Introduction to Operating Systems (CS-323, EPFL)
This class is a gently introduction into operating systems concepts at EPFL for undergraduate students in their third year. The students come with a light background in C programming from a mandatory class on C concepts and an optional C programming project in their second year. Generally, the C background of the students is rather light and many have not really worked with Linux environments yet.
The class follows the excellent Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces by Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau and Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau and uses some chapters of Software Security: Principles, Policies, and Protection for the security topics.
This website allows easy access of the latest release of the OSTEP slides.
- 0x00 Introduction
- 0x11 Virtualization (CPU): Processes
- 0x12 Virtualization (CPU): Scheduling
- 0x13 Virtualization (Memory): Segmentation
- 0x14 Virtualization (Memory): Paging
- 0x15 Virtualization Summary
- 0x21 Concurrency: Locking
- 0x22 Concurrency: Semaphores
- 0x23 Concurrency Summary
- 0x31 Persistence: Drivers
- 0x32 Persistence: Filesystems
- 0x33 Persistence: Filesystem Implementation
- 0x34 Persistence: Journaling
- 0x35 Persistence Summary
- 0x41 Security: Software Testing
- 0x42 Security: Mitigations
- 0x43 Security Summary
- 0x50 Operating Systems Summary