Source Code

SecureCells website repository

List of SecureCells repositories

The SecureCells projects includes full-stack development efforts, with modifications to both hardware and software. The relevant repositories used during development are listed below.

Software developed for SecureCells is typically tested with QEMU and OpenSBI firmware. QEMU emulates the architecture, optionally including SCxxx instructions. When QEMU does not emulate SCxxx instructions, OpenSBI emulates them during trap handling.

While seccell-archtests runs on baremetal, the remaining microbenchmarks currently run using seccell-seL4.

Repository Link Branch Comments
QEMU secure QEMU implementation based on rv64gc
OpenSBI secure Firmware implementing SCxxx instructions
RocketChip master RocketChip RTL implementation
GNU toolchain secure Toolchain for compiling SC-riscv
Binutils/GDB secure Binutils adding instruction opcodes
Operating Systems    
seL4 secure Microkernel OS
Linux secure-v6.0 Coming up…
Architectural Tests master Baremetal tests for instructions
ubenchmark - browser main Browser example from the paper
ubenchmark - memcache main memcached-like example from the paper
seL4 support    
libseccells main Support library (incl. threading, macros)
seL4 playground eval/* Project for building seL4 applications