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A ground-truth fuzzing benchmark suite based on real programs with real bugs.


The captainrc file defines the configuration parameters for the captain toolset scripts, mainly Each parameter control some aspect of the benchmarking process (i.e., build-time, run-time, launch configuration, …).


It defines the path to the directory in which the current instance of will store its outputs and transient results. The WORKDIR directory has the following hierarchy:

-- cache: transient storage for currently-running campaigns
-- ar: archived campaign results (optionally tar-balled)
-- log: docker build-time and run-time logs
-- poc: collected test-cases that trigger known bugs or new crashes

The cache and ar subdirectories have the following hierarchy:

|  |
|  -- [TARGET]
|  |  |
|  |  -- [PROGRAM]
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  -- [RUN]
|  |  ...
|  ...

Each [RUN] directory contains the run-time results of that campaign:

-- findings: the output directory supplied to the fuzzer
-- log: the fuzzer's stdout and stderr streams, stored in log/current
-- monitor: timestamped files containing instrumentation results


It specifies the number of times each experiment must be identically repeated. Every repetition is assigned a locally-unique RUN serial number (0, 1, 2, …) in the workdir hierarchy as discussed above.


It defines the type of CPU resources to allocate as workers:

For example, if your setup has 2 CPU sockets, each with 8 physical cores, and 16 SMT-enabled threads (logical cores), the maximum number of concurrent workers that can be allocated with each mode would be:


It defines the maximum number of logical CPU cores to use concurrently.


Specifies a space-separated list of logical cores to allocate. If not specified, the captain tool will allocate cores from the output of lscpu, filtering out cores based on WORKER_MODE and limiting the count to that specified by WORKERS (or its default value).

If you require control over which cores to allocate for captain (e.g., some of your cores are allocated for other tasks), you could specify which cores to use through a space-separated list as a bash string.


Specifies the number of workers to allocate for a single campaign. In most cases, this should not be more than 1 (which is the default value). However, if your custom fuzzer configurations utilize multiple cores, you can specify this global parameter to apply this effect. If, instead, you would like to specify this as a fuzzer-specific parameter, take a look at fuzzer_CAMPAIGN_WORKERS below.


It specifies the duration for which each campaign/repetition must execute for. The format of the TIMEOUT value is that supported by the GNU coreutils timeout utility:

The omission of the letter-suffix defaults to using seconds.


To avoid synchronization complexity and slow-down, Magma continuously polls the instrumentation storage file and saves its contents in the monitor directory for every RUN. This parameter defines how long to wait, in seconds, between subsequent polls.


To speed up the fuzzing process and reduce I/O bottlenecking of the fuzzer/target/instrumentation, Magma defaults to mounting the cache directory as a tmpfs volume. However, this could result in high memory usage, and requires root privileges to mount and unmount the volume.

To disable this behavior, it suffices to define (uncomment) this parameter.


In case CACHE_ON_DISK is not defined, and tmpfs is used, this parameter defines the size of the volume to mount.

The format of the TMPFS_SIZE value is that supported by the mount utility:


To facilitate the process of moving campaign results, Magma defaults to tar-balling RUN directories before storing them in the ar directory.

To disable this behavior, it suffices to define (uncomment) this parameter.


Magma’s bugs and instrumentation can be configured at build-time in one of three modes:


Magma includes an “ideal sanitization” mode whereby any bug triggered will immediately cause a crash. This is synonymous with AddressSanitizer’s policy to terminate the program when a memory safety violation is detected.

Once a memory corruption occurs, the program is in an inconsistent state,
which could lead to confusing results and potentially misleading subsequent

With Magma’s ISan, the fuzzer is evaluated only for its ability to reach and trigger a bug, but not its ability to detect it (e.g., semantic/logical bugs may not always produce observable faults or crashes).

This behavior is disabled by default. To enable this behavior, it suffices to define (uncomment) this parameter.


In the event that some bug results in memory corruption and goes undetected, it is undesirable to have the mmap()‘d instrumentation data corrupted. Magma includes a hardened canaries mode which mprotect()’s the instrumentation storage region with read-only permissions whenever control is outside the instrumented block.

This behavior is disabled by default. To enable this behavior, it suffices to define (uncomment) this parameter.


The captain toolset includes a script to automatically triage fuzzer-generated test-cases and test them against Magma’s ground-truth. This script can be run as a post-processing step after the termination of every campaign.

This behavior is disabled by default. To enable this behavior, it suffices to define (uncomment) this parameter.


The captain toolset contains scripts and files that are dependent on other files present in the same directory. For this purpose, the scripts attempt to find the current directory, store it in a local variable named MAGMA, and use it to reference those files.

In the event that you encounter problems running the captain script (e.g., using an incompatible version of Bash), you may specify the path to the Magma repository (/path/to/magma/) as the value of this parameter.


To evaluate a subset of the fuzzers in the magma/fuzzers directory, you can specify a Bash array of the form:

FUZZERS=(afl afl_asan aflplusplus honggfuzz)
# or just

Each listed fuzzer name must have a configuration directory in magma/fuzzers.


To evaluate a specific fuzzer against a subset of the targets in the magma/targets directory, you can specify a Bash array of the form:

my_awsome_fuzzer_TARGETS=(libpng sqlite3 openssl)


To evaluate a specific fuzzer against a subset of the target programs listed in magma/targets/TARGET/configrc, you can specify a Bash array of the form:

my_awsome_fuzzer_openssl_PROGRAMS=(x509 server)


To define specific AFL-style command-line arguments used by a program against a fuzzer, you can specify a Bash string variable of the form:

my_awsome_fuzzer_libtiff_tiffcp_ARGS="@@ tmp.out"


This overrides the global CAMPAIGN_WORKERS setting for the specified fuzzer.

More Information on IdealSanitizer

In order to speed up the fuzzing process, canaries can be configured to use ISan mode, but only when applicable. It is possible to forego the overhead of runtime sanitizers (like ASan, MSan, UBSan, etc…) when the fuzzer only relies on the SIGSEGV signal triggered by such sanitizers to detect faulty behavior. Instead, the canaries themselves could be used as indicators of faulty behavior, by configuring them to send such a signal when bug trigger conditions are satisfied.

Thus, by launching the campaigns using ISan, more fuzzer executions can be performed within the same time duration, allowing you to collect information about bugs Reached and Triggered. To collect statistics about bugs Detected, it would then suffice, in a post-processing step, to recompile the benchmark binaries with the sanitizer of choice and launch the target program with the fuzzer’s reported crashing inputs, listening for any sanitizer-triggered crashes.

Even though sanitizer crashes are the main fault symptoms, most fuzzers also configure a time limit and a memory limit, beyond which the program execution is considered faulty. It is then important to consider those as other forms of fault detection employed by the fuzzer and measure them during the post-processing step to make sure that no “crashing” (faulty) cases are misidentified.