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A ground-truth fuzzing benchmark suite based on real programs with real bugs.


In addition to being a collection of real targets with ground-truth bugs, Magma also provides an infrastructure of build scripts and toolsets that facilitate the usage of the benchmark and make it usable out-of-the-box. To achieve that, Magma relies on the Docker build system and provides a Dockerfile that specifies the build process.

Docker Images

To enable the quick launching of experiments and identical campaigns, Magma relies on Docker images that set up the fuzzing environment and allow running multiple identical and independent campaigns concurrently.

A fuzzing environment is mainly identified by the fuzzer and the target, alongside the program and the args used when launching the program. The other parameters listed in captainrc also factor into the fuzzing environment, but variations of them cannot co-exist in the same fuzzer/target configuration.

As such, every built image is identified by the tag magma/fuzzer/target. Each images contains all the support files needed for compiling and running the fuzzer and instrumenting the target (if needed) using the fuzzer’s own compiler.

Launching a campaign then simply becomes a matter of specifying which program to launch when running a container based on that image, as well as what command-line args to use. Targets (libraries) can have multiple programs that execute different parts of the code base, and allowing the flexibility to fuzz different programs is key to Magma’s operation.

Magma provides multiple programs as execution drivers for fuzzing. However, in a similar manner to seed files, a fuzzer could the provided execution drivers as a “hint” for how to fuzz the target, possibly using generated execution drivers (e.g., FuzzGen).


The Magma Dockerfile defines the build process for the Docker images, and its instructions are ordered in a manner that increases cache re-usability across builds.

The Dockerfile accepts the following build arguments:

Build Arg. Description
fuzzer_name the name of the fuzzer, as listed in magma/fuzzers
target_name the name of the target, as listed in magma/targets
USER_ID, GROUP_ID the user and group ID of the magma user inside the image (should match external uid/gid when using shared volumes)
canaries if set, specifies that canaries must be enabled
fixes if set, specifies that fixes must be enabled (bugs disabled)
isan if set, specifies that the IdealSanitization mode is used
harden if set, specifies that instrumentation storage must be mprotect()‘d

Beyond that, the Dockerfile specifies the order of building the fuzzing environment:

  1. {magma, fuzzer, target}/ installs the dependencies (runs as root)
  2. magma/ builds the Magma monitoring utility with an un-instrumented compiler (gcc/g++)
  3. fuzzer/{fetch, build}.sh: retrieves the fuzzer code and builds it
  4. target/ retrieves the target code
  5. magma/ instruments the target with in-line canaries
  6. fuzzer/ builds the target as defined by the fuzzer’s build configuration (e.g., custom compiler, multiple binaries, etc…)

Finally, the entry point is specified to be Magma’s magma/ script which launches the monitoring utility in parallel with the fuzzer.

Environment Variables

The Dockerfile creates the following directories and assigns their values to environment variables:

Env. Var. Value Description
$MAGMA_R /magma/ The directory which stores the needed configuration files (magma, fuzzers/my_fuzzer, targets/my_target).
$SHARED /magma_shared The path where the shared volume with the host is mounted. It contains fuzzer findings, logs, and monitor outputs.
$OUT /magma_out The directory where compiled programs are stored. Every target build script must copy its output binaries here.

Additionally, the Dockerfile also exports the following environment variables:

Env. Var. Value Description
$MAGMA /magma/magma The path to the directory with Magma’s support files inside the container.
$FUZZER /magma/my_fuzzer The path to the fuzzer’s configuration directory inside the container.
$TARGET /magma/my_target The path to the target’s configuration directory inside the container.
${C,CXX,LD}FLAGS, $LIBS Check Dockerfile Initial compiler and linker flags needed to support Magma’s instrumentation.

Finally, the following environment variables must be assigned when running a Magma Docker container:

Env. Var. Description
PROGRAM the name of the compiled program executable
ARGS an AFL-style string of command-line arguments
POLL the poll duration, in seconds, as defined in captainrc
TIMEOUT the campaign duration, as defined in captainrc
AFFINITY a comma-separated list of logical CPU cores which are allocated for this campaign

Those environment variables can be provided to the container through the command-line argument -e NAME=VALUE when using docker-run or docker-create.

Fuzzer Configuration

Inside the container, the $FUZZER directory stores the scripts needed to build the fuzzer and compile the targets.

File Name Description Installs the fuzzer’s dependencies. Must be run as root. Retrieves the source code for building the fuzzer. Typically stores it in $FUZZER/repo. Compiles the fuzzer binaries and support files (e.g., the afl_driver.cpp used to wrap libFuzzer stubs). Compiles the target, performing any required pre-processing or adding fuzzer-specific instrumentation. Runs the $OUT/$PROGRAM executable against the first argument ($1), simulating the conditions of the fuzzer’s runtime environment (e.g., memory limit, timeout, etc…). Launches the fuzzing campaign, reading seed files from $TARGET/corpus/$PROGRAM/ and writing results to $SHARED/findings. Outputs a newline-separated list of pathnames to the fuzzer-generated test-cases.

Target Configuration

Inside the container, the $TARGET directory stores the scripts needed to build the target.

File Name Description Installs the target’s dependencies. Must be run as root. Retrieves the source code for building the target. It must store it in $FUZZER/repo. Compiles the target binaries, making use of ${C,CXX,LD}FLAGS and $LIBS, and stores the program binaries in $OUT.

In addition, the configrc file in this directory specifies the valid $PROGRAM and $ARGS values. A sample configrc is listed here:

PROGRAMS=(pdf_fuzzer pdfimages pdftoppm)

pdfimages_ARGS="@@ /tmp/out"
pdftoppm_ARGS="-mono -cropbox @@"

This directory must also include the following subdirectories:

Magma Support Files

Inside the container, the $MAGMA directory stores the scripts needed to build Magma and prepare its targets.

Build and Run Scripts

Just under the $MAGMA directory, the following scripts are stored:

File Name Description Installs Magma’s dependencies. Must be run as root. Builds the Magma monitor using the default un-instrumented compiler (vanilla GCC/Clang). Compiles the Magma runtime library, $OUT/magma.o, needed for compiling and running the instrumentation. Applies the patch files stored in $TARGET/patches/bugs/ to the code base in $TARGET/repo/. Runs the $OUT/$PROGRAM executable against the first argument ($1). Returns zero if no bugs or crashes are encountered, and non-zero otherwise. Prunes the $TARGET/corpus/$PROGRAM/ directory for faulty seeds, starts the monitor, and launches the campaign.


The $MAGMA/src directory contains the support files needed to compile the Magma runtime, mainly support for canaries.

The canary.c file defines the three main functions used in Magma:

Function Name Description
magma_init Initializes the mmap()‘d region used as storage for the global instrumentation statistics.
magma_protect Toggles the storage page’s permissions between read-only and read-writable to protect the region from rogue overwrites.
magma_log Logs the call to the canary. After the first occurrence of condition == true, magma_faulty is set, and no future canaries are logged.

magma_protect() is only called when MAGMA_HARDEN_CANARIES is defined at compile-time, by setting the HARDEN parameter in captainrc.

The MODE=1 parameter in captainrc defines the compile-time macro MAGMA_ENABLE_CANARIES, which inserts calls to magma_log() at bug locations. However, some custom fuzzer configuration may require instrumentation to be disabled (e.g., a fuzzer that compiles two versions of the target, one for fuzzing and another for analysis). In that case, the fuzzer can define the MAGMA_DISABLE_CANARIES macro, which maintains the calls to magma_log(), but makes it behave like a NOP.

When calling magma_log(), the condition must be constructed using the MAGMA_AND and MAGMA_OR macros (which are aliases for the magma_and and magma_or functions). These functions are written in such a way to minimize information leakage through some fuzzer-specific coverage instrumentation. The arch/ subdirectory contains the different implementations of these functions depending on the build architecture. Custom implementations could be added as a separate architecture, and then enabled by #include-ing the definition file in canary.h.

The instrumentation implements a simple one-slot single-producer single-consumer storage component that allows the monitor to constantly pull the latest results from the storage region without risk of data races, and without the overhead and complexity of synchronization.

If MAGMA_STORAGE is a defined environment variable at runtime, its value is used as the path to file to be used as the storage object. Otherwise, $SHARED/canaries.raw is used, as defined in $MAGMA/ at compile-time.

The storage component is defined in storage.c but is orthogonal to the core operation of Magma.


The $MAGMA/src directory also contains the code for the monitor utility, which is responsible for dumping runtime instrumentation statistics in a parse-able format.

The utility is invoked as such:

monitor [--dump {raw|row|human}] [--fetch {file FILE|watch COMMAND}]

The --dump argument can take the following values:

Value Description
raw The raw memory bytes of the storage region. This is the default mode.
row A CSV-style representation, where the first row defines header names, and the second row records counter values. BUG_R and BUG_T represent the counters for BUG being reached and triggered, respectively.
human Each bug is printed on a separate line with the format: BUG reached REACHED_COUNT triggered TRIGGERED_COUNT

The --fetch argument can take the following values:

Value Description
file Reads the FILE as a storage object. This is the default mode.
watch Exports the path to a temporary file as a MAGMA_STORAGE environment variable and runs the COMMAND to collect instrumentation statistics for a single execution.

Captain Toolset: Running the Benchmark

The set of scripts in the captain toolset is provided to allow automated interaction with the Docker build system. Each script defines a set of pre-requirements, which are essentially the launch arguments when running the script, in the first few lines of comments.

File Name Description Builds the Docker image based for the $FUZZER/$TARGET configuration. Launches a single fuzzing campaign (useful for testing). A post-processing script to extract PoC files from fuzzer-generated test-cases. Launches and manages multiple concurrent campaigns, building any missing images in the process. Requires captainrc. Launches the extraction script, in case extraction was not done with (i.e., POC_EXTRACT was not set). Requires captainrc. Initializes a common set of functions and variables. Not to be executed out of context.

Benchd Toolset: Processing Results

This toolset is a work-in-progress and its documentation is not entirely stable.

Generates the experiment summary and outputs it as a JSON file.



usage: [-h] [--workers WORKERS] workdir outfile

positional arguments:
  workdir            The path to the Captain tool output workdir.
  outfile            The file to which the output will be written, or - for

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --workers WORKERS  The number of concurrent processes to launch.

The JSON object has the following format:

    "FUZZER": {
        "TARGET": {
            "PROGRAM": {
                "RUN": {
                    "reached": {
                        "BUGID": int(TIME_TO_REACH_BUG)
                    "triggered": {
                        "BUGID": int(TIME_TO_TRIGGER_BUG)
                "RUN": ...
            "PROGRAM": ...
        "TARGET": ...
    "FUZZER": ...

TIME_TO_REACH_BUG and TIME_TO_TRIGGER_BUG are represented in seconds, with a resolution of POLL seconds, since the beginning of the experiment.

Reports Toolset: Visualizing Results

This toolset is a work-in-progress and its documentation will be released when the scripts are ready to be publicized.